Teacher Adopts Student through Olive Crest
James was removed from the only home he had ever known and placed into the foster care system at the age of 8. Once in “the system” he was placed in one home after another. And so it went for…
James was removed from the only home he had ever known and placed into the foster care system at the age of 8. Once in “the system” he was placed in one home after another. And so it went for…
Angelica wants to be a hairdresser someday. But due to a life of turmoil that led her into foster care, Angelica’s literacy skills were extremely low, making it very hard for her to succeed academically.Upon entering Olive Crest’s program for…
"I left in a thin pair of pants, a t-shirt, and a pair of flats in the snow, with my baby bundled up in his car seat and his diaper bag.” Amanda was only a teenager when she found herself…
The Covid-19 pandemic is unprecedented and has resulted in many challenges for all of us. Feelings of isolation, fear, and anxiety are common—and understandable. But certain at-risk individuals face an even greater danger: violence and abuse from those who are…
Now more than ever, America needs a renewed focus on caring — and giving. In this unusually challenging time, we encourage you to dig deep, open your heart and consider a donation to an organization that works hard to keep…
“Abby, my daughter, was with the Safe Family for 43 days while I looked for housing and her father lay in the hospital dying” - Angelic Angelic was living out of her car with her daughter while her husband was in…
During these uncertain times, many parents and guardians are in search of the best ways to help kids and adults deal with stress and anxiety. To better support our community, we've compiled some of our most frequently asked questions (FAQs)…
Opening your home to children in need as a foster family or safe family can bless children and parents alike: like Jesse and Shannon Thompson who learned about becoming a Safe Family for at-risk children from another host family at…
It's such a blessing to see how connections bring so many unexpected blessings to Olive Crest children and young adults. Here’s just one example . . . Together We Rise is an organization committed to improving the lives of children…
One of Jenny’s earliest memories was going into her parents’ room and discovering her dad beating her mother. “He had her down on the floor and was pounding her with his fists,” Jenny recalls. “Her face was all bloody.” When Jenny’s…