January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month
Human sex trafficking is a form of slavery trapping thousands of vulnerable people across the world. Here in the United States
- 325,000 children are at risk of sexual exploitation
- 60% of children lured into sex trafficking come from the child welfare system
Of the 5,000 children that Olive Crest serves daily, we believe about 20% have been involved with human sex trafficking, over 50% have been approached, and 100% are at high-risk for being targeted. We are committed to stopping the exploitation of vulnerable children through human sex trafficking and healing and restoring their precious lives.
Olive Crest expanded it’s comprehensive services for human sex trafficking victims to include the new 200-acre Hope Refuge Campus, a residential treatment and healing program in Santa Barbara, California. We are responding the crisis of commercially sex trafficked, minor girls by providing a safe place of refuge to strengthen, equip, and restore those who have been victimized – moving them from victim to victor.
We are dedicating greater resources to fight human sex trafficking across the Western United States. Girls like Lily, whose story is in the video below, have found compassion and mentorship from Olive Crest to begin rebuilding her life after being trapped in the cycle of sex trafficking. In the coming year, we anticipate expanding our programs to combat human sex trafficking head-on by creating safe places and drop-in centers for young girls, under 18, who need to be saved. Please join us in this fight.

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