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How Olive Crest Gets Truant Kids Out of Bed and Into School Desks

Covid-19 brought a staggering increase in the number of students missing from school – both virtual school days and after students returned to the classroom – an understandable consequence for unprecedented times. However, four years later, classroom attendance hasn’t gone back to pre-pandemic levels.

A recent New York Times article suggests that underlying cause is a “fundamental shift in the value that families place on school, and in the culture of education during the pandemic.” In other words, people are viewing going to school and receiving an education as optional.

Every missed day of school represents a missed opportunity for a child’s future. We at Olive Crest not only understand this need but have 50 staff members proactively and literally getting kids out of bed and on their way to school. Through strategic partnerships with local school districts, Olive Crest delivers positive interventions tailored to the needs of each student – most of whom are in an abusive or unstable household – equipping them with the necessary support for improved attendance and academic performance.

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