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Olive Crest Kids Ride Away with Brand New Bikes

Olive Crest kids in the Pacific Northwest recently received new bikes, thanks to the staffing agency People Connect and the organization Together We Rise. People Connect worked with Together We Rise to order the bikes, and Together We Rise made sure our kids benefitted. These bikes had a wonderful impact on the kids, shown through a couple stories below.
Excitement rang through one foster family and their grade-school-aged boy when his bike showed up at their home. When the mom answered the door, she was ecstatic that the bike was exactly the same as the boy’s recently broken bike – she knew how much her boy would love it. The boy was so excited when she told him that there was a new bike waiting for him in the garage. Because it was just like his old favorite bike, he was especially thankful and joyful! In addition, People Connect made him a personal card that he loved – he even pointed out all his favorite parts of it.
Two other boys just entering foster care had birthdays approaching quickly. While the boys, their biological mom, and their foster mom were at court, the two moms met each other for the first time. The boys’ biological mom was heartbroken that she was going to miss their birthdays and worried that they would not receive any gifts. The foster mom reassured her that Olive Crest provided the boys with brand new bikes – and the biological mother burst into tears. She seemed to believe that she and her boys were truly valued and cared for, as she hugged the foster mom and thanked her and Olive Crest repeatedly.
Thank you again to People Connect and Together We Rise for making these beautiful moments possible!

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